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Facts About What We Do
We strive to offer hygienic products that can benefit developing nations, as well as our own.
Hygiene plays an EXTREMELY important part in the health and well being of any nation and its people.
Unfortunately sanitation and hygiene is severely lacking in India, China, almost every African Nation, and many other developing countries. It can be the cause of many problems and illness for both residents and visitors.
The fact that 982 million out of 4.8 billion people in the developing world live on $1 a day, and another 2.5 billion live on below $2 a day, shows the vast need for any aid we can offer.
As many tooth and mouth diseases can spread to other parts of the body, it has been proven that good oral hygiene results in better overall health. Unfortunately, many people living in developing nations simply do not have the resources to afford a toothbrush, mouthwash, floss, etc. If residents of these countries happen to have a toothbrush, it is often shared between many people, easily spreading germs and disease.
We strive to combat this with our BOGO (Buy One, Give One) policy. For every product purchased from us, we donate the same product to charity.
For further reading, these articles offer a glimpse into the situation so many people fall victim to:

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